Why Us

Librarian Support

Do you face difficulty in explaining your needs to the IT team in their language? Well, most of us do! Hence, we employ qualified librarians to support our customers since we believe they are better equipped to understand the requirements of libraries and information centres than a regular IT support.

Scalable Cloud Platform

Each instance in DSpaceHub is hosted on the scalable cloud platform. Unlike physical infratructure, the cloud platform do not force you to invest upfront for future demands. It allows you to scale-up (or scale-down in rare cases) to the appropriate load for your DSpace instance as per your need.

Dedicated Resources

The DSpace instance for each customer is hosted on a separate virtual private server. It ensures maximum performance since the important resources — such as RAM, CPU, disk space — are not shared by any other application. It also allows seamless switch between different plans anytime.

No Data Locking

Client can move their data off from cloud as easily as they put it there in the first place, i.e., there is no data lock-in forced in the services and thus client have full rights and authority over their resources. You will always get back your data anytime, you just need to ask.

Scheduled Upgrades

We upgrade all instances as and when the new version of DSpace is released whether they are bug fix or major release. It helps us get the maximum advantage of the new development quickly.

Automated backup

DSpaceHub will ensure automated backup of all the data created in each instance of DSpace. They are all stored in the cloud environment for quick recovery in case of a disaster.